IEEE Southern Alberta Section (SAS) Affinity (AF) Groups
LM Chair Bill Bergman M.Eng., P.Eng., LSMIEEE |
LM Vice Chair Daniel Wong P.Eng., LSMIEEE |
SIGHT Chair (2023-2024 Term) Austyn Nagribianko BSc, MIEEE |
WIE Chair Leanne Dawson M.Sc., MIEEE |
YP Chair Andrei Gavrilov BASc, E.I.T., MIEEE |
STEM Outreach (formerly TISP) Position Vacant — |
The IEEE Southern Alberta Section has four (4) active Affinity Groups and one (1) inactive Affinity Group:
- Life Members (LM)
- Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT)
- STEM Outreach, formerly the Teacher in Service Program (TISP), Not Active
- Women in Engineering (WIE)
- Young Professionals (YP)