Each year, IEEE Canada (IEEE Region 7 or R7) conducts a democratic and transparent nomination process for IEEE Canada volunteer positions.

This current IEEE Canada call for nominations is inviting nominations and self-nominations for the 2025 IEEE Canada Functional Leads, Committee Chairs, Committee Vice Chair and Committee Member positions.

If you or if you know a member who is interested in a volunteer leadership role within IEEE Canada, please complete the on-line nomination form (nomination or self-nomination) at https://ieee.secure-platform.com/a/solicitations/1046/home. The nominations process is very simple and will only require a few minutes for each nomination.

A brief description of these roles is provided after the email signature. If any additional information is required, direct your questions to past-president@ieee.ca

Once the online form is submitted, nominees/self-nominees will be invited via email to complete a second on-line form with candidate information and a position statement. The deadline for the application is August 4 th , 2024. The nominations (candidate information packages) will be reviewed by the IEEE Canada / R7 Nominations and Appointment Committee (NAC).

Note, incumbents are encouraged to complete a self-nomination to indicate that they are willing to continue to serve in their current role, so long as they are within the term limit of their position. If current committee chairs are unable (due to term limits) or do not wish to serve another year in their role, they are advised to nominate qualified candidates.

Recommended candidates will be submitted for endorsement to the R7 Steering Committee. NAC will then present the candidates for approval to the IEEE Canada Board at the Fall Board Meeting.

The approved candidates will be appointed by the IEEE Canada President.

On behalf of IEEE Canada, I would like to thank you for your nominations.

Best regards,
Rob Anderson, PEng., SMIEEE
2024 – 2025 IEEE Canada Past President
2024 – 2025 Chair of Nominations & Appointments Committee.


IEEE Canada is seeking Functional Leads, Committee Chairs and members to serve on the four Operational Committees, which are: External Relations, Member Services, Publications and Communications, and Educational Services. These Operations Committees are organized around the operational functions that are designed to mirror the major member populations served by the IEEE.

The members of the Operational Committee shall be responsible:

  • for maintaining communication with their respective committee members.
  • for conducting business by teleconference and participating in teleconferences when invited.
  • for attending IEEE Canada Meetings when invited.
  • Coordinating the activity plan and budget preparation for their respective operational functions and providing the Committee’s operational plan and budget to the Operational Committee Chair and/or ExCom and/or Treasurer for approval.

The Operational Committee Function Leads and Committee Chairs should preferably have at least 1 Year of Volunteer service within IEEE Canada.

Committee Members do not require any previous experience, but you are encouraged to only apply in areas of interest.


The External Relations Committee exists to support those professional Societies and/or industry professionals whose needs and/or interests are not met by any other IEEE Canada committee or operational function. Furthermore, the External Relations committee shall include all of the committee’s functional leads and / or coordinators including, but not be limited to, the following:

  • Industry Relations Lead (IRL),
  • Outreach and Partnership Lead (OPL),
  • Humanitarian Initiatives Lead (HIL),
  • Standards Association Liaison (SAL)


The Member Services Committee exists to support the needs of IEEE Canada members. The Chair shall serve as the Region’s Membership Development representative to MGA. Furthermore, The Member Services Committee shall include all the committee’s functional leads and / or coordinators including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Young Professionals Chair (YPC),
  • Life Member Chair (LMC),
  • Women in Engineering Chair (WIE),
  • Student Activities Chair (SAC),
  • Regional Student Representative (RSR),
  • Student Branch Chapter Coordinator (SBCC),
  • Region Vitality Coordinator (RVC) and MGA Region Vitality Coordinator


The Educational Services Committee shall be responsible for overseeing all internal and external education activities in Region 7. Furthermore, the Educational Services Committee shall include all operational leads and/or coordinators related to such activities including, but not limited to:

  • The Historian, who may also chair a sub-committee at the discretion of the Board,
  • STEM Outreach Lead (SOL),
  • Educational Activities Lead (EAL) and EAB representative,
  • Volunteer Training Activities Lead (VTAL),
  • Professional Development Lead (PDL),
  • IEEE Canada Volunteer Tools Lead (ICVTL) and MGA VTools Representative.


The Publications and Communications Committee is responsible for overseeing all publications, print or electronic, that are sponsored by Region 7. Furthermore, the Publications and Communications shall include all the committee’s sub-committee chairs, operational leads and/or coordinators including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Translation Lead (TL),
  • Advertising and Patronage Lead (APL),
  • Publicity and Social Media Lead (PSML),
  • IEEE Canada (Lead) website administrator,
  • IEEE Canada e-Newsletter Editor-in-Chief